**For Parents of High Schoolers (Grades 8, 9, 10 & Early-11th) with 3.7 GPAs (or higher)**

We'll Help Get Your High Schooler Into At Least 1 of Their Top 5 DREAM Colleges And If They Don't Get Into At Least 1 of Their Top 5 Dream Colleges - You Don't Pay A Penny
Watch 9 Minute Video Below To Learn How This Offer Works
HS CLASS OF '26, '27, '28 ONLY
Answer the questions below to apply for a family college planning strategy session.  
*Time required to answer questions: 3 to 5 minutes
*First impressions count!  While we'd love to accept all booking requests, we are unable to do so, given demand. Intro call requests are thoroughly reviewed & accepted/rejected based on the quality & detail of the application submitted. 

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